Ultra-deep Geothermal history

vaporized rock

Vaporized hole in granite from energy beam

  • 2012 Scientists at MIT demonstrate rock vaporization is possible using an energy beam

  • 2013-2014: Mass Flow Founder John Hanback surveys their work and the work of other scientists and engineers exploring new technologies for boring into the Earth; he studies subsurface conditions and expectations with some of the leading experts at leading universities and National Labs to begin to develop practical technologies for ultra-deep energy harvesting

  • 2018-2019 Mass Flow obtains patents for Advanced Drilling Systems

  • 2022 Mass Flow creates 3 additional patents for ultra- deep drilling and energy harvesting and an additional two- part provisional patent which will result in two new patents for water desalination with energy production

  • 2022 Mass Flow begins forming its leadership team and advisory board, and prepares to move forward with a team of the World’s leading scientists and engineers to bring the promise of ultra-deep geothermal energy to reality

8-12 Miles Down

Mass Flow Energy’s technologies allow drilling to depths which can deliver supercritical fluid for use in electrical energy production, water desalination, and treatment and neutralization of toxic waste. 

Mass Flow Energy solves three fundamental ultra-deep-drilling problems

Physical limitations of the best traditional mechanical drilling equipment to withstand the temperatures at these depths, along with high costs, extended time frame, and absolute risk of failure


The ability to maintain the physical integrity of the boreholes with the kinds of lithostatic, hydrostatic, and other pressures at these extreme depths, while at the same time continue to install drill tubes or waveguides under these pressures


The lack of sufficiently strong and durable materials and equipment to transfer supercritical fluids to the surface without losing temperature or failing from material fatigue or corrosion.


Technology Roadmap

Mass Flow Energy’s family of patents has addressed each of these challenges. Using our proprietary energy beam design, we are able to vaporize rock, creating a borehole to reach beyond supercritical depths.

Our patented delivery system will maintain the physical integrity of each bore hole while pumping the supercritical fluid for use in electrical power generation, manufacturing, data centers, seawater desalination, or wastewater treatment.